Ausgabe 2 von Greystoke Print Magazin. 132 Seiten greifbares BMX Print Medium zum Anfassen. Im Nachfolger unserer Erstausgabe, gehen wir tiefer auf einige Themen ein: Nüchternheit, der Einfluß von Jag BMX, die ersten Skateparkaktivitäten, das Bike das revolutionär war, Ron Wilkersons Leben und Zeiten, die R.A.D. Magazin Story, und Fotos, viele Fotos von BMX-Leuten, die Ihr BMX-Ding machen, damals und heute. Und immer daran denken Kids: BMX ist kein Sport....
Auf dem Cover: Read and Destroy.
Stuart ‘Juice’ Durrant
ROM Skatepark, England, 1989.
Photo von Tim Leighton-Boyce
Courtesy of the Read and Destroy archive.
WELCOME TO GREYSTOKE #2: Nothing to prove, everything to lose. You’re in or you’re out.
DOG BITES: What’s in a (nick)name? Mad Dog strikes again.
RE-CREATING A PROPS COVER - 22 YEARS LATER: Ian Morris throws down for a fallen friend.
RICK THORNE - I’M STILL HERE: “Hey man, do you still ride?” The Biker in Black breaks it down.
SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET: “Feel free to stop me if it sounds like I’m making any of this up.” Will Smyth digs deep.
THE RON WILKERSON INTERVIEW: Notes from the edge. Use it or lose it.
AFTERLIFE: Life as an art piece. Dave Fox dusts it off.
HOLY GRAIL - THE SUPER STROKER: A journey to rebuild the bike that started a revolution.
RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARCHIVE: Re-Search and Destroy. The legendary photos of BMX Action Bike /R.A.D. magazine un-earthed in London.
STU IS NUMBER ONE:Bikes in the skatepark? First in, last out.
LAST CALL: You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.
BOOGIE WITH THE BEST: The undeniable influence of JAG BMX.
LIFERS: Ride on... and on… and on...
YOU CAN’T BE WHAT YOU WERE: Over the hill and picking up speed.